An official website of the Government of Sri Lanka

An Index of Agricultural Product ion is computed to provide a general measure of the yearly changes in the volume of Agricultural Production. The earlier index with 1934 - 38 as base was later revised using 1962 as base and the commodity coverage was also extended by including livestock products in the index. This index was further revised using 1977-79 as base. Finally it was revised using 2002 as the base year. Moreover divisions of vegetables, fruits and some major commodities were also included in order to prepare more suitable index.

Indices for (a) tea, rubber, coconut and paddy, (b) pulses, (c) other food crops, (d) vegetables, (e) fruits (f) livestock and livestock products (g) small export crops are computed separately by comparing production volume in 2002. The overall index combining Agricultural Crops and Livestock products provides an indicator of the volume of Agricultural Production. The revised series with 2002 as base year is available from the year 2003 onwards.


The present system of collecting paddy statistics has generally three aspects, namely (1) Statistics on area under paddy, (2) Average yield per unit area, (3) Statistics on paddy production. These statistics are collected in respect of the cultivation seasons of Maha and Yala for each cultivation year.

Statistics on area under paddy are collected each season on the basis of parcel wise complete enumeration, where in all the paddy parcels in the island are listed on the form P1, at village or tract level. For this purpose a “Parcel” is being defined as a plot of land set apart for the cultivation of paddy, cultivated singly or jointly by a person. It may be surrounded by cultivated paddy lands or highlands belonging to other people.


SStatistics of paddy yield are compiled from Crop Estimation Surveys conducted on a sample basis. The sampling design adopted for the survey is a stratified three stage random sampling method with D.S. Divisions as strata and mode of irrigation namely; Major, Minor, Rainfed as sub-strata.From each stratum sample villages are select using simple random sampling method where the number of samples per stratum depends on the sown area. About 4,000 villages/tracts/ kandams are selected.

for each Maha Season and about 4000 villages/ tracts/ kandams are selected for Yala Season. In each selected village/ tract/ kandam two parcels are selected at random and each selected parcel a “Liyadde” (plot) is selected on the same basis to conduct the experiment. In each liyadde thus selected the standard experimental plot of size 16 1/2ft. x 16 1/2 ft. (5.03meters x 5.03 meters) is laid out at random. Then the experimental plot is harvested, the grain threshed, winnowed and the yield is recorded separately. From these results average yield per net acre harvested is estimated at district level and island level.


Information on cultivation details such as system of tenure, variety of seed, method of land preparation, method of sowing, method of weed control, use of fungicides and insecticides, application of fertilizer are collected through a sample survey conducted concurrently with the crop estimation survey on paddy. The sample used for estimation of cultivation details is about five times as large as the sample used in the crop survey and the sampling unit used here is the paddy parcel. Using the sample data and the estimated sown extents, the extents associated with the cultivation practices are estimated at district level.


The estimates of paddy production are obtained each season as a product of the net extent harvested and the average yield. The preparation of district wise correction factors to convert Gross area to Net paddy area was done using the results of an area survey conducted for this purpose.


Data for the computation of the cost of production of Tea, Rubber and Coconut are obtained from estates growing Tea, Rubber and Coconut using a mail questionnaire sent out from the Department once a year/ annually.


The cost of production relates to the cost per kilogram of manufactured tea. Questionnaires are sent to all the registered tea estates in the island. From the data thus collected the cost of production of a kilogram of made tea is estimated.


The cost of production per kilogram of manufactured rubber is computed at the all island level. Estates of 20 acres and more in extent in major rubber growing districts are considered for this calculation.


The major coconut growing districts are grouped in to 4 regions as follows:

  1. North - Western Region;
  2. South - Western Region;
  3. North - Eastern Region;
  4. Central Region;

The estates in each region are stratified into 4 size groups i.e. 20 - 50 acres, 51 - 100 acres, 101 - 250 acres and over 250 acres. The cost of production of coconut is computed for the whole island.


Statistics of highland crops are published collecting data related to Yala and Maha season and for Livestock statistics data are collected and published once a year. The data collection is carried out using HL Register.

Data collection is performed by Grama Niladari in North and Eastern provinces which in rest of the provinces by Agriculture Research and Production Assistants (ARPA).Highland crops statistics publishes data on extent of yield whereas Livestock statistics publish data on livestock population, milk and egg production.Highland crops and Livestock statistics publish data by District level and National level.


Food Balance Sheet (FBS) is a statement showing the detailed amount of food supply in a country within a certain period (1 year). The Food Balance Sheet includes information on the amount of food available, usage of these foods, food availability on per capita basis per year and availability of calories, proteins and fats per capita basis per day.
The Food Balance Sheet is prepared as per instructions of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and provides details of sixty five items of food classified according to nineteen major groups. By preparing a FBS, the food supply of the entire country can be measured and analysed and also enable the prediction on food security.

The next Agricultural Census has been scheduled to be held in 2024/25 by the Department of Census and Statistics. Based on the list of census units of the Population and Housing Census 2023/24, the housing unit will be used as the basic census unit and information will be obtained from small groups of farmers engaged in agriculture such as crop cultivation, animal husbandry, aquaculture, etc., regardless of the ownership, size and legal status of the land, as well as on the large areas of land engaged in agricultural activities.
The main objective of this Census is to develop an agricultural sample framework representing all aspects related to agriculture such as crop cultivation, land use, animal husbandry and aquaculture. This will help in preparing plans for the development of the agricultural sector in the coming years as well as planning sample surveys to obtain timely information for various agricultural activities..

During this Census, it is expected to carry out activities such as collecting basic information at Grama Niladhari division level, listing of large lands where agricultural activities are carried out, listing and collecting detailed information on small lands where agricultural activities are carried out and it is also expected to obtain information about the plots located in the particular Grama Niladhari Division, but the owners are residing in another Grama Niladhari Divisions (unidentified land).

It is envisioned to collect data related to the agriculture sector from October 2024 to September 2025, through the Agricultural Census 2024/25. The information obtained from this Census will be published at District level, Divisional Secretariat Division level and Grama Niladhari Division level.

Cost of Production
Food Balance Sheet