The Enumeration stage of the 15th Census of Population and Housing in Sri Lanka startsA CPH is generally conducted in multiple stages, following several years of meticulous planning. The stages are Mapping Stage, Listing Stage, Enumeration Stage, and Data Dissemination Stage. The first and second stages of the CPH have been completed successfully, which involved preparation of census block maps and identifying and listing all buildings and their corresponding census units. The Preliminary Report of the Listing Stage is published. This report presents the findings of the Listing Stage for all stakeholders to support policy formulation and strategic planning activities. You can access the report from Read more : The third stage is the Enumeration Stage, which collects individual and housing information, and provides the population and housing counts of the country together with a wealth of information down to the lowest administrative level i.e. Grama Niladhari Division level. For the first time in 150 years of census history, data collection is facilitated with the use of tablet computers and smartphones. More than 30,000 Census Officers will be deployed for the enumeration stage. The Department of Census and Statistics expects the support of all citizens of the country for this national endeavor by providing accurate information. |
Household Survey on the Impact of Economic Crisis - 2023Sri Lanka is currently experiencing one of its biggest economic crises since its independence in 1948 due to the Easter Attack in 2019 which worsened with the COVID 19 pandemic. A majority of households continued to struggle with a range of challenges in managing their daily activities, such as managing their income and other commitments. To resolve thus situation, multiple strategies have been tried by the government at macro and micro levels. To determine how such strategies for coping are utilized at the household level, the Department of Census and Statistics has initiated a survey to measure the impact of the ecnomic crisis on Sri Lankan households. The survey which covers an island-wide sample of 6,540 housing units is carried out in August 2023. To reduce human errors throughout the data collection step, the Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewed (CAPI) method will be used at this survey. This survey will provide more particular answers to the following concerns. 1. The impact of the economic crisis on household income sources 2. How living styles have changed as a result of the economic crisis, with a focus on spending behaviors (with relevant Coping strategies) |
Measuring the Impact of Economic Crisis (2022) on SMEs: A Quick SurveyOn the request of Presidential Secretariat, the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) embarked on a comprehensive survey designed to probe the far-reaching consequences of the prevailing economic crisis on the landscape of small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) in the months of May and June 2023. About 8,000 enterprises from the micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, spanning the breadth of Sri Lanka's economic spectrum, including sectors like manufacturing, trade, and services was selected for this study. This survey is expected to unearth the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that spanned 2020 and 2021, coupled with the economic downturn that transpired in 2022. Important aspects such as, identification of enterprises forced to shutter operations due to the crisis, subsequent shifts in their workforce dynamics, altered investment trajectories, encountered financial constraints, and the strategic maneuvers adopted to navigate the economic terrain are taken for comprehensive analysis. The implications of the forthcoming survey results will not only serve as a compass for economic policy makers, offering vital guidelines for steering Sri Lanka out of its economic doldrums, but will also play a pivotal role in positioning the nation's economic health within the global context. |
Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WGDS) recommendations to measure disabilityAvailability of accurate and timely statistics on people with disabilities is vital in formulating policies to protect their rights. Following the recommendations of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WGDS), DCS officials were recently trained to collect data in adaptation to the WG short set of six questions on seeing, hearing, mobility, cognition (remembering), self-care and communication. The training conducted in collaboration with World Food Programme (WFP) and Trinity College, Dublin was especially targeted at collecting data on disabled persons at the upcoming Census of Population and Housing. |
Census of Population and Housing (CPH)This commemorative coin unveiled by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka marks the 150th Anniversary of the Census of Population and Housing (CPH), the largest statistical undertaking in Sri Lanka. CPH provides reliable and detailed statistics on the size, distribution and the composition of population of Sri Lanka, and the 15th Census has been scheduled to be conducted in 2023/24. |
Sri Lanka Statistical Review (SSR)
Sri Lanka Statistical Review (SSR) provides a forum for sharing new knowledge relates to the novel researchable areas of official statistics. The scope of this peer- reviewed, bi-annual publication covers the contemporary and innovative findings of the studies in the broader disciplines. SSR also works to share and promote the articles to the attention of a broader audience as well as to wider scientific progress. Volume 1 Issue 1 of SSR was published in March 2022.