Inflation and Prices
Information related to prices is collected, processed and disseminated by the Prices and Wages division. Statistics collected/compiled by the Division include retail and producer prices, Colombo Consumers Price Index (CCPI) and inflation rate.
Prices and Wages Division / Tel: + 94 11 2147423, e-mail: of Census & Statistics,
"Sankayana Mandiraya",
No. 306/71,
Polduwa Road,
"Sankayana Mandiraya",
No. 306/71,
Polduwa Road,
Monthly CCPIMonthly NCPIProducer Price Index (PPI)Producer Farmgate PricesRetail PricesBulletins
NCPI (Base 2021=100)
Monthly NCPI
NCPI (Base 2021=100)
- Government Notice
- Movements of the NCPI
- News Release of the NCPI (Sinhala) (Tamil) (English)
- Web Release of the NCPI - December 2024
- Inforgraphic of NCPI (Sinhala) (Tamil) (English)
- NCPI Technical Note
- Base Weights for NCPI
- NCPI (2021) -Inflation Sub Groupwise Chart
- Movements of NCPI & NCPI (Core) (Base : 2021=100)
- Inflation - Food and Non Food Groups
- Government Notice
- Movements of the NCPI
- News Release of the NCPI (Sinhala) (Tamil) (English)
- Web Release of the NCPI - December 2022
- Inforgraphic of NCPI (Sinhala) (Tamil) (English)
- NCPI Technical Note
- Base Weights for NCPI
- NCPI (2013) -Inflation Sub Groupwise Chart
- Movements of NCPI & NCPI (Core) (Base : 2013=100)
- Inflation - Food and Non Food Groups