Department of Census and Statistics (DCS), the National Statistical Office of Sri Lanka is the prominent government institution provides official statistics required for government policy formulation,
planning and implementation, and measuring the progress of national development, since 1948. Sri Lanka Statistical Review (SSR) is the pioneering research journal published by the DCS. SSR is a peerreviewed, bi-annual publication which aims to provide a platform for disseminating the knowledge
through publishing the high quality research articles, and identifying the novel researchable areas in relation to the official statistics. The scope of this journal covers the contemporary and innovative
findings form the studies in the broader disciplines related to the official statistics. All the articles published in this journal are subjected to an initial review by the editorial board and a double blind
peer review process to ensure the quality and standards.
Signed articles are the responsibility of authors. Views expressed in the SSR do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Census and Statistics.