Department of the Census & Statistics (DCS) is the authorized agency to compile National Accounts Estimates for Sri Lanka. National Accounts Estimates are disseminated by the National Accounts Division of the Department. Currently DCS follows the guidelines of system of National Accounts 2008 (SNA – 2008), which includes the latest set of boundaries, methodologies, concepts and recommendations. The latest base year for National Accounts Estimates is 2015.
"Sankayana Mandiraya",
No. 306/71,
Polduwa Road,
Production Approach
New Releases
Annual & Fourth quarter 2021 (Last updated on 2022/04/21)
Summary Tables (Last updated on 2022/03/29)
- Fourth Quarter 2021 - provisional (2022/03/29) ( English)
- Annual 2021 - provisional (2022/03/29) ( English)
- Revised Annual 2020 (2022/03/29)( English)
- Revised Annual 2019 (2022/03/29)( English)
- Revised Quarterly estimates 2021 (2022/03/29)( English)
- Revised Quarterly estimates 2020 (2022/03/29) ( English)
- Revised Quarterly estimates 2019 (2022/03/29) ( English)
- Third Quarter 2021 - Revised (2022/03/29)( English)
- Second Quarter 2021 - Revised (2022/03/29) ( English)
- First Quarter 2021 - Revised (2022/03/29) ( English)
Revision Triangle & Summary Statistics (Last updated on 2022/03/29)
- GDP Summary (As at 2022/03/29)
- Revision Triangle (As at 2022/03/29)
- Agriculture GVA Summary (As at 2022/03/29)
- Industries GVA Summary (As at 2022/03/29)
- Services GVA Summary (As at 2022/03/29)
- Taxes less Subsidies Summary (As at 2022/03/29)
Time series of detailed (A48) GDP statistics (Last updated on 2022/03/29)
- Annual time series of GDP at current prices, % change and shares (As at 2022/03/29)
- Annual time series of GDP at constant prices and % growth (As at 2022/03/29)
- Quarterly time series of GDP at current prices and % change (As at 2022/03/29)
- Quarterly time series of GDP at constant prices and % growth (As at 2022/03/29)
Previous Releases
Summary Tables
- First Quarter 2021 (2021/07/09) ( English)
- Annual 2019 (2020/03/31) ( English)
- Fourth Quarter 2019 (2020/03/31) ( English)
- Revised Annual 2018 (2020/03/31)( English)
- Revised Annual 2017(2020/03/31)( English)
- Revised quarterly Estimates 2019 (2020/03/31)( English)
- Revised quarterly Estimates 2018 (2020/03/31) ( English)
- Revised quarterly Estimates 2017 (2020/03/31) ( English)
- Annual 2018 (2019/04/03) ( English)
- Fourth Quarter 2018 (2019/04/03) ( English)
- Annual (Revised) 2016(2019/04/03) ( English)
- Annual (Revised) 2017(2019/04/03) ( English)
- Revised Quarterly Estimates 2016 - (2019/04/03) ( English)
- Revised Quarterly Estimates 2017 - (2019/04/03) ( English)
- Revised Quarterly Estimates 2018 - (2019/04/03) ( English)
- Annual Estimates 2016 (2017/03/15)( English, Sinhala )
- Fourth Quarter 2016 (2017/03/15)( English , Sinhala )
- Quarterly Revised Estimates 2016 (2017/03/15) ( English, Sinhala )
- Annual Revised Estimates 2015 (2017/03/15) ( English , Sinhala )
- Quarterly Revised Estimates 2015 (2017/03/15)( English, Sinhala )
- Annual Revised Estimates 2014 (2017/03/15)( English , Sinhala )
- Quarterly Revised Estimates 2014 (2017/03/15) ( English, Sinhala )
- First Quarter 2015 - First Release ( English)
Press Notes
- Press Note - Third Quarter 2021 (As at 2021/12/15) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Third Quarter 2021 (As at 2022/01/25) ( English ,Sinhala )
- Press Note - Second Quarter 2021 (2021/09/15) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Second Quarter 2021 (2021/09/22) ( English , Sinhala )
- Press Note - First Quarter 2021(2021/07/09) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note- First Quarter 2021(2021/07/13) ( English ,Sinhala )
- Press Note - Annual and Fourth quarter 2020 (2021/03/16) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Annual and Fourth quarter 2020 (2021/03/25) ( English ,Sinhala )
- Press Note - Third Quarter 2020 (2020/12/15) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Third Quarter 2020 (2020/12/15) ( English,Sinhala )
- Press Note - Second quarter 2020 (2020/12/15) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Second quarter 2020 (2020/12/15) ( English,Sinhala )
- Press Note - First quarter 2020 (2020/08/04) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - First quarter 2020 (2020/08/04) ( English,Sinhala )
- Press Note - Annual and Fourth quarter 2019 (2020/03/31) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Press Note - Third Quarter 2019 (2019/12/18) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Third Quarter 2019 (2019/12/18) ( English)
- Press Note - Second Quarter 2019 (2019/09/18) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Press Note - First Quarter 2019 (2019/06/19) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Press Note - Annual 2018 (2019/03/19) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Press Note- Third Quarter 2018 (2018/12/18) ( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Third Quarter 2018 (2018/12/18) (English)
- Press Note - Second Quarter 2018 (2018/09/18)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Second Quarter 2018(2018/09/18) (English,Sinhala)
- Press Note - First Quarter 2018(2018/06/18)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Press Note - Annual 2017 (2018/03/20)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Press Note - Third Quarter 2017 (2017/12/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Press Note - Second Quarter 2017 (2017/09/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Second Quarter 2017 (2017/11/02) (English,Sinhala)
- Press Note - First Quarter 2017 (2017/06/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - First Quarter 2017 (2017/07/03) (English,Sinhala)
- Press Note - Annual 2016 (2017/03/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Annual 2016 (2017/03/28) (English,Sinhala)
- Press Note - Third Quarter 2016 (2016/12/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Third Quarter 2016 (2016/12/15)(English,Sinhala)
- Press Note - Second Quarter 2016 (2016/09/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Second Quarter 2016 (2016/09/27)(English,Sinhala)
- Press Note - First Quarter 2016 (2016/06/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - First Quarter 2016 (2016/06/15)(English,Sinhala)
- Press Note - Annual 2015 (206/03/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Annual 2015 (2016/03/15) (English)
- Press Note - Third Quarter 2015 (2015/12/15)( English, Sinhala , Tamil )
- Detail Note - Third Quarter 2015 (2015/12/15) (English,Sinhala)
- Press Note - Second Quarter 2015 (2015/09/15)( English, Sinhala)
- Release of Gross Domestic Product Estimates for the fourth quarter and the whole year of 2015 (2016/03/15)
- Data Dissemination for the year 2015 and 2014 (2016/03/15)
- The Annual Estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2015 By Production approachBase year 2010 (2016/03/15)
- Other Macro-Economic Indicators 2010-2015 (2016/03/15)
Annual Estimates 2010 - 2014
Summary Tables
- Table 1: Summary Indicators
- Table 2: A10; Gross Domestic Product at current market prices (GDP, Production Approach) - Total Economy
- Table 3: A10; Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010) market prices (GDP, Production Approach) - Total Economy
- Table 4: A10; Percentage shares of Gross Domestic Product at current market prices (GDP, Production Approach) - Total Economy
- Table 5: A10; Percentage shares of Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010) market prices (GDP, Production Approach) - Total Economy
- Table 6: A10; Percentage increase of Gross Domestic Product at current market prices (GDP, Production Approach) - Total Economy
- Table 7: A10; Percentage growth of Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010) market prices (GDP, Production Approach) - Total Economy
Detailed Tables
- Table 8: Gross Domestic Product at current market prices by economic activity - 2010
- Table 9: Gross Domestic Product at current market prices by economic activity - 2011
- Table 10: Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010) market prices by economic activity - 2011
- Table 11: Gross Domestic Product at current market prices by economic activity - 2012
- Table 12: Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010) market prices by economic activity - 2012
- Table 13: Gross Domestic Product at current market prices by economic activity - 2013
- Table 14: Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010) market prices by economic activity - 2013
- Table 15: Gross Domestic Product at current market prices by economic activity - 2014
- Table 16: Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010) market prices by economic activity - 2014
Time Series Statistics
- Table 17: Gross Domestic Product at current market prices by economic activity, 2010 to 2014
- Table 18: Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010=100) prices by economic activity, 2010 to 2014
- Table 19: Percentage shares of Gross Domestic Product at current market prices by economic activity, 2010 - 2014
- Table 20: Percentage shares of Gross Domestic Product at constant (2010) market prices by economic activity, 2010 - 2014
- Table 21: Percentage change of Gross Domestic Product at current market prices by economic activity, 2010 - 2014
- Table 22: Growth rates of Gross Domestic Product at constant market prices by economic activity, 2010 - 2014
- Table 23: GDP Implicit price deflator (2010=100) by economic activity, 2010 - 2014
- Table 24: Percentage change of GDP Implicit price deflator (2010=100) by economic activity, 2010 - 2014
Production Accounts
- Table 25: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at current prices - 2010
- Table 26: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy, 2010
- Table 27: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at current prices - 2011
- Table 28: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at constant prices - 2011
- Table 29: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy at current prices, 2011
- Table 30: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy at constant prices, 2011
- Table 31: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at current prices - 2012
- Table 32: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at constant prices - 2012
- Table 33: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy at current prices, 2012
- Table 34: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy at constant prices, 2012
- Table 35: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at current prices - 2013
- Table 36: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at constant prices - 2013
- Table 37: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy at current prices, 2013
- Table 38: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy at constant prices, 2013
- Table 39: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at current prices - 2014
- Table 40: Production Account by Institutional Sectors for the total Economy at constant prices - 2014
- Table 41: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy at current prices, 2014
- Table 42: Production Account by economic activity for the total economy at constant prices, 2014
Comparison Tables - 2002 base and 2010 base
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
Estimated values of each Economic activity under the Base year 2002 and 2010 are not comparable due to two different price structures, estimation procedures and valuation principles.
Estimates of Base Year 2002 – @ Producer Price
Estimates of Base Year 2010 – @ Basic Price
In addition, Taxes and Subsidies are adjusted separately in the Base Year 2010 estimates.
Summary Tables
Summary Tables
Annual & Fourth quarter 2021 (Last updated on 2022/04/21)
New Releases
Income Approach
- Previous Releases (Last updated on 2021/04/20)
Annual Estimates
GDP by Income Approach
Percentage Share of income components of sectors to the total economy
- Percentage share of Income Components to GDP at current prices, 2010 - 2015
- Value of Income Components, 2010 - 2015
- Percentage change in Income Components of GDP, 2010 - 2015
- Gross National Income and other income related macroeconomic indicators 2010-2015
- Previous Releases (Last updated on 2021/04/20)
Expenditure Approach
- New Releases
Time series of detailed Expenditures of GDP statistics (Last updated on 2021/12/22)
Previous Releases
Summary Tables (Last updated on 2021/12/22)
- Gross Domestic Product(GDP) by Expenditure - Third Quarter 2021
- Gross Domestic Product(GDP) by Expenditure - Second Quarter 2021
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2021/09/22)
- Gross Domestic Product(GDP) by Expenditure - Second Quarter 2021
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2021/07/16)
- Gross Domestic Product(GDP) by Expenditure - Quarterly Estimates - First Quarter 2021
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2021/03/25)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Annual 2020
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditure - Quarterly Estimates 2020
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditure - Quarterly Estimates 2019(revised)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditure - Quarterly Estimates 2018(revised)
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2020/12/28)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Third Quarter 2020
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Second Quarter 2020
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2020/08/12)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2020
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2020/04/12)
- Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2019 Provisional
- Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product 2019 fourth quarter Provisional
- Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2018 Revised
- Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2017 Revised
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2019/12/24)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Thrid Quarter 2019
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Second Quarter 2019 - First Revision
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2019 - Second Revision
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2019/10/08)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Second Quarter 2019
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarte 2019 - First Rivision
- Time series of Expenditure GDP xls (As at 2019/07/01)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2019
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2019/03/27)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Annual 2018
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Quarterly Estimates 2018
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Quarterly Estimate 2017(revised)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Quarterly Estimate 2016(revised)
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2018/12/31)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Third Quarter 2018
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2018(revised)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Second Quarter 2018(revised)
- Time series of Expenditure GDP xls (As at 2018/10/09)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2018
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Second Quarter 2018
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Annual 2017 (2018/04/03)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Quarterly 2017 (2018/04/03)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Annual 2016 - First Revision (2018/04/03)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Annual 2015 - Second Revision (2018/04/03)
- Time series of Expenditure GDP (As at 2018/04/03)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Third Quarter 2017 (2017/12/22)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Second Quarter 2017 - First Revision (2017/12/22)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2017 - Second Revision (2017/12/22)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Second Quarter 2017 (2017/09/29)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2017 (2017/07/03)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Annual 2016 (2017/03/28)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Fourth Quarter 2016 (2017/03/28)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Four Quarters of 2016 - Annual Revision (2017/03/28)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Four Quarters of 2015 - Annual Revision (2017/03/28)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Four Quarters of 2014 - Annual Revision (2017/03/28)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - Second Quarter 2016 (2016/09/28)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2016 - First Revision (2016/09/28)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Expenditures - First Quarter 2016 (2016/06/20)
Press Notes (Last updated on 2016/12/22)
Quarterly Estimates (2010-2015) (Last updated on 2016/04/12)
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2010 ( Current, Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2011 ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2012 ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2013 ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2014 ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2015 ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2010; Shares ( Current, Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2011; Shares ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2012; Shares ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2013; Shares ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2014; Shares ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2015; Shares ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2011; % Change / Growth ( Current, Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2012; % Change / Growth ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2013; % Change / Growth ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2014; % Change / Growth ( Current , Constant )
- GDP Expenditure Estimates 2015; % Change / Growth ( Current , Constant )
Annual Estimates (2010-2015) (Last updated on 2016/03/23)
Annual Estimates (2010-2014)
- GDP by Expenditure Approach - Annual ( Current, Constant )
- GDP by Expenditure Approach - Annual; Shares( Current, Constant )
- GDP by Expenditure Approach - Annual; Growth ( Current, Constant )
- Private Final Consumption Expenditure by COICOP - Annual ( Current, Constant )
- General Government Final Consumption Expenditure by COFOG - Annual ( Current, Constant )
- Gross Capital Formation - Annual( Current, Constant )
Summary Tables (Last updated on 2021/12/22)
SNA Main Accounts
Supply and Use Table (SUT), Symmetric Input-Output tables (SIOTs), Excel based tool to analyze the economy and Note on SUT, SIOTs and analysis for the year 2010 has been released.
The supply Table represents how supply is generated by domestic production and imports while the Use table shows how these supply is used as Intermediate consumption, Final consumption, Capital formation, and exports. These two tables clearly match supply and use for wide range of products and industries. This process leads to improve the system by identifying data gaps and limitations. Therefore, the SUT is a solid tool to balance GDP by all three approaches without having any discrepancy.
SUT is transformed in to Symmetric Input and Output Tables (SIOTs) and it can be used for economic analysis. There are two versions of SIOTs as Industry by Industry and Product by Product based on used assumptions in the transformation process and two other versions as Competitive and Non-Competitive based on the way of identifying uses of imported products. Before download you should have a clear idea about the selection.
Economic multipliers was estimated using the Model D; Industry by Industry SIOT and these multipliers can be used to impact analysis of any kind of projects. Excel based impact analysis tool is also uploaded along with the tables for the use of policy makers.
Effective Rate of Protection (ERP) is one another policy tool that can be used to evaluate international trade policies and to determine countries orientation in the trade policies. The excel file of Nominal Rate of Protection (NRP) and Effective Rate of Protection (ERP) rates for 2010 can be downloaded.
Download presentations presented December 21, 2016 (PPTs)
Supply and Use Table (SUT), Symmetric Input-Output tables (SIOTs), Excel based tool to analyze the economy and Note on SUT, SIOTs and analysis for the year 2010 has been released.
The supply Table represents how supply is generated by domestic production and imports while the Use table shows how these supply is used as Intermediate consumption, Final consumption, Capital formation, and exports. These two tables clearly match supply and use for wide range of products and industries. This process leads to improve the system by identifying data gaps and limitations. Therefore, the SUT is a solid tool to balance GDP by all three approaches without having any discrepancy.
SUT is transformed in to Symmetric Input and Output Tables (SIOTs) and it can be used for economic analysis. There are two versions of SIOTs as Industry by Industry and Product by Product based on used assumptions in the transformation process and two other versions as Competitive and Non-Competitive based on the way of identifying uses of imported products. Before download you should have a clear idea about the selection.
Economic multipliers was estimated using the Model D; Industry by Industry SIOT and these multipliers can be used to impact analysis of any kind of projects. Excel based impact analysis tool is also uploaded along with the tables for the use of policy makers.
Effective Rate of Protection (ERP) is one another policy tool that can be used to evaluate international trade policies and to determine countries orientation in the trade policies. The excel file of Nominal Rate of Protection (NRP) and Effective Rate of Protection (ERP) rates for 2010 can be downloaded.
Download presentations presented December 21, 2016 (PPTs)
- Reference Materials
- Draft Methodological Note - Annual National Accounts Estimates
- Notes
- Abbreviations
- Sectors
- Detailed table of A79 & Map of tables
- A48
- A10
- Comparison between 2010 activities and 2002 activities
- Brocheures
- Comparison of Key Macroeconomic Indicators
- Press Release(English) ,(Sinhala)
- Revision policy table and notes
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ)