An official website of the Government of Sri Lanka
Gender Statistics

The need for reliable, timely and meaningful gender statistics has gained high priority as the focus on Women’s contribution in development activities has heightened globally and nationally with the recognition of Women’s productive role in society.

In order to meet the growing demand for gender dis-aggregated statistics, the Department of Census and Statistics has been making a concerted effort to cater to the requirement of various data users by bringing together statistics and indicators to portray the situation of women relative to Men in major economic and social spheres.

The main sources of information contained in this web page are the Censuses and Surveys conducted by the Department of Census and Statistics. Statistics based on surveys with limited coverage are also presented wherever national statistics are not available. In addition to that, this web page contains gender statistics collected by other government and semi government agencies, and gender dis-aggregated data extracted from various administrative records.

The Department of Census and Statistics, with the objective of catering to the diverse gender statistics/indicator needs of Governmental, Non-governmental organizations, researchers and general public, has been preparing publications consisting of gender disaggregated data for more than two decades. This web page also includes four publications on gender statistics published in 1995, 1997, 2007 and 2014. The Department of Census and Statistics is planning to frequently update this web page as and when important gender related statistics/indicators are released.