An official website of the Government of Sri Lanka

Agriculture and Environment Statistics Division
Department of Census and Statistics, Sri Lanka.


Self-sufficiency Rate of Rice 2005 -2015
Unit : Metric Tons
Year Paddy Production Paddy Availability
for human
Rice Production
Equivalent from
Domestic Source
over stock
of Rice
from previous year
Total Rice
for human consumption
from Domestic
Total rice Requirement Rate of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2005 3,246,000 2,953,962 2,008,694 50,000 2,058,694 2,045,472 100.65
2006 3,341,000 3,045,711 2,071,083 58,747 2,129,830 2,068,144 102.98
2007 3,131,000 2,856,682 1,942,544 67,441 2,009,985 2,081,040 96.59
2008 3,875,000 3,536,269 2,404,663 50,000 2,454,663 2,101,840 116.79
2009 3,652,000 3,331,470 2,265,400 150,000 2,415,400 2,249,500 107.37
2010 * 4,044,000 3,697,712 2,514,444 167,074 2,681,518 2,354,100 113.91
2011 3,894,224 3,543,744 2,409,746 322,128 2,731,874 2,303,736 118.58
2012 3,845,946 3,499,811 2,379,871 344,336 2,724,207 2,250,602 121.04
2013 4,620,727 4,204,862 2,859,306 364,641 3,223,947 2,267,682 142.17
2014 3,380,780 3,076,510 2,092,027 874,412 2,966,439 2,288,840 129.60
2015 4,819,395 4,385,649 2,982,242 10,091 2,992,333 2,310,327 129.52
* Provisional
Availability of Rice Production from domestic source given in column no. 4 is calculated viz. {Column no. 3 - (Seed+ Waste)} * 0.68


Agriculture and Environmental Statistics Division
Department of Census and Statistics, Colombo, Sri Lanka.