An official website of the Government of Sri Lanka

Estimated Extent and Production of Potato (solanum tuberosum)

Updated on 11th June 2018 CO3 – 1: Potato Production
CO3 – 1: Potato Production
Unit : MT .
District 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 upto May
National Total 75,263 74,398 60,848 51,308 64,359 75,352 68,778 81,661 70,377 80,458 52,998 25,674
Nuwara Eliya 15,446 21,629 11,180 11,118 12,511 15,483 17,030 20,242 24,067 33,456 17,804 9,589
Badulla 59,649 52,532 49,157 39,847 51,600 59,655 51,143 60,272 45,060 45,702 34,369 16,085
Other Districts 168 237 511 343 248 214 605 1,147 1,250* 1300* 825*

  * - Estimated



CO3 – 2: Potato Extent
Unit : Ha.
Districts 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 upto May
National Total 5,238 4,832 4,017 3,786 4,387 4,847 4,279 4,929 4,447 5,092 3,300 1,442
Nuwara Eliya 1,065 1,329 662 656 733 851 765 1,267 1,345 1,463 971 478
Badulla 4,154 3,472 3,286 3,088 3,624 3,966 3,451 3,579 3,000 3,509 2,254 964
Other Districts 19 31 69 42 30 30 63 83 102* 120* 75*

  * - Estimated

CO3 – 3: Monthly Production of Potato
Unit: MT .
Year Nov/Dec Dec/Jan Jan/Feb Feb/Mar Mar/Apr Apr/May May/Jun Jun/Jul Jul/Aug Aug/Sep Sep/Oct Oct/Nov Total
2006/2007 National Total 3,126 922 848 10,001 15,845 8,886 844 816 2,348 19,207 9,342 2,910 75,263
Nuwara Eliya 1,738 757 185 - 95 7,504 844 816 453 346 425 2,283 15,446
Badulla 1,388 165 663 10,001 15,750 1,382 - - 1,895 18,861 8,917 627 59,649
Other District - - - - - - - - - - - - 168
2007/2008 National Total 5,003 2,134 426 7,216 8,314 5,268 2,487 595 6,819 19,781 11,256 4,862 74,398
Nuwara Eliya 2,812 1,917 426 887 3,040 2,321 2,487 595 630 2,382 1,678 2,454 21,629
Badulla 2,191 217 - 6,329 5,274 2,947 - - 6,189 17,399 9,578 2,408 52,532
Other Districts - - - - - - - - - - - - 237
2008/2009 National Total 1,506 581 - 14,036 10,537 2,462 1,387 - - 1,348 15,479 13,001 60,848
Nuwara Eliya 1,125 - - 963 2,736 2,162 1,387 - - - 181 2,626 11,180
Badulla 381 581 - 13,073 7,801 300 -     1,348 15,298 10.375 49,157
Other Districts                         511
2009/2010 National Total 5,249 574 531 14,908 4,202 2,108 1,608 258   1,408 15,527 4,592 51,308
Nuwara Eliya 2,458 519 531 236 2,031 1,774 1,599 258   - 1,142 570 11,118
Badulla 2,791 55 - 14,672 2,171 334 9 -   1,408 14,385 4,022 39,847
Other Districts                         343
2010/2011 National Total 5,188 2,144 290 6,236 8,042 3,559 3,540 1,615 266 179 15,275 17,777 64,359
Nuwara Eliya 1,242 2,144 290 100 649 2,394 2,147 1,615 266     1,644 12,511
Badulla 3,946 - - 6,136 7,393 1,165 1,393     179 15,275 16,113 51,600
Other Districts                         248
2011/2012 National Total 4,703 2,044 179 23,738 3,843 2,250 2,948 1,692 - 10,976 17,594 5,171 75,352
Nuwara Eliya 2,058 1,735 80 810 450 1,728 2,934 1,692 - 1,350 1,134 1,512 15,483
Badulla 2,645 309 99 22,928 3,393 522 14 - - 9,626 16,460 3,659 59,655
Other Districts                         214
2012/2013 National Total 2,994 2,192 439 9,034 15,168 3,171 1,733 - - 6,585 14,609 12,248 68,778
Nuwara Eliya 2,142 1,620 - 302 6,680 1,874 1,733 - - 196 727 1,756 17,030
Badulla 852 572 439 8,732 8,488 1,297 - - - 6389 13,882 10,492 51,143
Other Districts                         605
2013/2014 National Total 4,739 944 354 6,863 19,207 2,651 1,351 109 - 21,662 16,684 5,949 81,661
Nuwara Eliya 2,975 889 - 1,187 3,714 1,934 1,351 48 - 234 2,005 5,904 20,242
Badulla 1,764 55 354 5,676 15,493 717 - 61 - 21,428 14,679 45 60,272
Other Districts                         1,147
2014/2015 National Total 3,533 61 366 1,952 6,515 13,662 5,518 2,287 166 10,497 14,032 10,538 70,377
Nuwara Eliya 3,146 - - - 88 4,850 5,518 2,287 166 1,053 3,251 3,708 24,067
Badulla 387 61 366 1,952 6,427 8,812 - - - 9,444 10,781 6,830 45,060
Other Districts                         1250*
2015/2016 National Total 8,340 1,425 - 4,677 20,343 3,738 2,698 3,332 1,731 435 11,201 21,238 80,458
Nuwara Eliya 7,733 1,425 - 1,218 7,938 2,811 2,116 3,332 1,731 435 3,422 1,295 33,456
Badulla 607 - - 3,459 12,405 927 582 - - - 7,779 19,943 45,702
Other Districts                         1300*
2016/2017 National Total 4,487 488 225 4,339 10,901 3,064 2,875 - 427 2,075 5,727 17,565 52,998
Nuwara Eliya 1,235 434 225 1,151 4,495 2,280 2,875 - 427 1,736 1,771 1,175 17,804
Badulla 3252 54 - 3,188 6,406 784 - - - 339 3,956 16,390 34,369
Other Districts                         825*
2017/2018 National Total 3,199 381 - 489 12,974 7,701 930            
Nuwara Eliya 2,276 364 - 97 3,115 2,807 930            
Badulla 923 17 - 392 9,859 4,894 -            
Other Districts                          

  * - Estimated

CO3 – 4: Monthly Extent of Potato
Unit : Ha.
Year District Nov/Dec Dec/Jan Jan/Feb Feb/Mar Mar/Apr Apr/May May/Jun Jun/Jul Jul/Aug Aug/Sep Sep/Oct Oct/Nov Total
2006/2007 National Total 224 58 51 706 1,159 624 56 52 161 1,283 660 185 5,238
Nuwara Eliya 140 48 11 - 6 527 56 52 29 24 28 144 1,065
Badulla 84 10 40 706 1,153 97 - - 132 1,259 632 41 4,154
Other Districts - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
2007/2008 National Total 318 137 27 504 596 360 150 35 411 1,226 715 322 4,830
Nuwara Eliya 178 123 27 53 187 138 150 35 46 145 100 147 1,329
Badulla 140 14 - 451 409 222 - - 365 1,081 615 175 3,472
Other Districts - - - - - - - - - - - - 31
2008/2009 National Total 100 35 - 986 689 151 77 - - 76 1,018 816 4,017
Nuwara Eliya 70 - - 55 157 127 77 - - - 13 163 662
Badulla 30 35 - 931 532 24 - - - 76 1,005 653 3,286
Other Districts                         69
2009/2010 National Total 352 36 33 1,109 298 127 90 14   135 1,170 380 3,786
Nuwara Eliya 148 32 33 14 119 101 89 14   - 69 37 656
Badulla 204 4 - 1,095 179 26 1 -   135 1,101 343 3,088
Other Districts                         42
2010/2011 National Total 422 134 18 483 684 214 185 85 14 10 964 1,144 4,387
Nuwara Eliya 79 134 18 10 65 126 113 85 14 10 964 1,144 4,387
Badulla 343 - - 473 619 88 72 - - 10 964 1,055 3,624
Other Districts                         30
2011/2012 National Total 337 120 13 1,666 290 135 165 94 - 642 1,033 322 4,847
Nuwara Eliya 109 93 4 45 25 96 163 94 - 75 63 84 851
Badulla 228 27 9 1,621 265 39 2 - - 567 970 238 3966
Other Districts                         30
2012/2013 National Total 172 150 65 642 784 159 95 - - 422 925 803 4,279
Nuwara Eliya 119 90 - 13 204 76 95 - - 13 47 108 765
Badulla 53 60 65 628 580 83 - - - 409 878 695 3,451
Other Districts                         63
2013/2014 National Total 304 61 24 407 1,218 177 81 9 - 1,151 982 432 4,929
Nuwara Eliya 169 57 - 64 212 122 81 3 - 14 127 418 1,267
Badulla 135 4 24 343 1,006 55 - 6 - 1,137 855 14 3,579
Other Districts                         83
2014/2015 National Total 232 8 30 119 522 879 326 129 8 648 821 623 4,447
Nuwara Eliya 185 - - - 5 273 326 129 8 54 177 188 1,345
Badulla 47 8 30 119 517 606 - - - 594 644 435 3,000
Other Districts                         102*
2015/2016 National Total 154 83 - 321 1,269 207 164 175 127 562 634 1276 5,092
Nuwara Eliya 118 83 - 63 422 145 110 175 91 23 162 71 1,463
Badulla 36 - - 258 847 62 54 - 36 539 472 1205 3,509
Other Districts                         120*
2016/2017 National Total 288 28 12 351 633 162 143 - 21 106 376 1,030 3,300
Nuwara Eliya 74 24 12 54 216 113 143 - 21 87 90 62 971
Badulla 214 4 - 297 417 49 - - - 19 286 968 2,254
Other Districts                         75*
2017/2018 National Total 165 18 - 63 812 335 49            
Nuwara Eliya 108 17 - 5 155 144 49            
Badulla 57 1 - 58 657 191 -            
Other Districts                          

  * - Estimated

CO3 – 5: Potato Imports
Imports MT.
2006 46,550
2007 85,930
2008 99,350
2009 99,620
2010 129,878
2011 130,511
2012 110,823
2013 123,204
2014 118,220
2015 142,183
2016 148,081
2017 133,686

  Source : Custom statistics branch

Estimates based on the reconnaissance surveys carried out by the Department of Census & Statistics in respective districts.
Potato is cultivated mainly in Nuwaraeliya and Badulla districts. the contribution from other districts to the total is negligible