An official website of the Government of Sri Lanka
Department of Census and Statistics-Sri Lanka

Official poverty line by District : October 2024
(Minimum Expenditure per person per month to fulfill the basic needs)


Survey Year
2012/13 Rs.
5223 5429 5422 5287 5214 5246 5269 5049 5018 4811 5149 5395 5338 5166 5296 5287 5183 5223 5046 5218 4941 5151 5007 4746 5075 5273
Survey Year
2016 Rs.
6117 6640 6438 6406 6337 6223 6506 6040 5846 5867 5979 6109 5993 5936 5870 6231 6117 6059 6026 5970 5904 6139 5994 5759 6067 6362
Survey Year
2019 Rs.
6966 7513 7474 7312 7071 7061 7326 7078 6803 6768 6798 7135 6959 6917 6730 7004 7022 6787 6843 7111 6798 6816 7018 6661 6997 7284
2023 January Rs. 15970 17224 17135 16764 16211 16188 16794 16226 15596 15516 15585 16357 15954 15858 15429 16057 16097 15560 15688 16302 15585 15627 16089 15270 16041 16698
2023 February Rs. 16152 17420 17331 16955 16396 16373 16986 16411 15774 15693 15763 16544 16136 16038 15605 16240 16281 15738 15867 16488 15763 15805 16272 15444 16224 16889
2023 March Rs. 16207 17480 17390 17013 16452 16429 17043 16467 15828 15746 15817 16600 16190 16093 15658 16295 16336 15791 15921 16544 15817 15859 16327 15497 16279 16946
2023 April Rs. 16041 17301 17212 16838 16283 16260 16869 16298 15666 15585 15655 16430 16025 15928 15497 16128 16169 15629 15758 16374 15655 15696 16160 15338 16113 16773
2023 May Rs. 16073 17335 17246 16872 16316 16293 16903 16331 15697 15616 15686 16463 16057 15960 15528 16160 16201 15661 15789 16407 15686 15727 16192 15369 16145 16806
2023 June Rs. 16089 17352 17263 16888 16332 16309 16919 16347 15712 15631 15701 16479 16072 16975 15543 16176 16217 15676 15804 16423 15701 15743 16208 15383 16160 16822
2023 July Rs. 15978 17233 17144 16772 16219 16197 16803 16234 15604 15524 15593 16365 15962 15866 15437 16065 16106 15568 15696 16310 15593 15634 16097 15278 16049 16707
2023 Aug. Rs. 15978 17233 17144 16772 16219 16197 16803 16234 15604 15524 15593 16365 15962 15866 15437 16065 16106 15568 15696 16310 15593 15634 16097 15278 16049 16707
2023 Sep. Rs. 16104 17368 17279 16905 16347 16324 16935 16362 15727 15646 15716 16494 16088 15991 15558 16192 16233 15691 15819 16439 15716 15758 16224 15398 16176 16839
2023 Oct. Rs. 16112 17377 17288 16913 16355 16332 16944 16370 15735 15654 15724 16503 16096 15999 15566 16200 16241 15699 15827 16447 15724 15766 16232 15406 16184 16847
2023 Nov. Rs. 16302 17582 17492 17112 16548 16525 17143 16563 15921 15839 15909 16697 16285 16187 15750 16391 16432 15884 16014 16641 15909 15952 16423 15587 16375 17046
2023 Dec. Rs. 16524 17821 17730 17345 16774 16750 17377 16789 16138 16054 16126 16925 16507 16408 15964 16614 16656 16100 16232 16868 16126 16169 16647 15800 16598 17278
2024 Jan. Rs. 17014 18350 18256 17860 17271 17247 17892 17287 16616 16530 16604 17426 16997 16894 16437 17107 17150 16577 16713 17368 16604 16648 17140 16268 17090 17790
2024 Feb. Rs. 16975 18308 18214 17819 17231 17207 17851 17247 16578 16493 16566 17386 16958 16856 16400 17067 17110 16539 16675 17328 16566 16610 17101 16231 17051 17749
2024 Mar. Rs. 16619 17924 17832 17445 16870 16846 17477 16886 16230 16147 16219 17022 16602 16502 16056 16709 16752 16193 16325 16965 16219 16262 16742 15891 16693 17377
2024 Apr. Rs. 16476 17770 17678 17295 16725 16701 17326 16740 16091 16008 16079 16875 16459 16360 15918 16566 16607 16053 16185 16819 16079 16122 16598 15754 16549 17227
2024 May. Rs. 16326 17608 17517 17138 16573 16549 17169 16588 15944 15862 15933 16722 16309 16211 15773 16415 16456 15907 16038 16665 15933 15975 16447 15610 16399 17071
2024 Jun. Rs. 16468 17761 17670 17287 16717 16693 17318 16732 16083 16000 16071 16867 16451 16352 15910 16558 16599 16045 16177 16810 16071 16114 16590 15746 16541 17219
2024 Jul. Rs. 16373 17659 17568 17187 16620 16597 17218 16636 15990 15908 15979 16770 16356 16258 15818 16462 16504 15953 16084 16713 15979 16021 16495 15655 16446 17120
2024 Aug. Rs. 16152 17420 17331 16955 16396 16373 16986 16411 15774 15693 15763 16544 16136 16038 15605 16240 16281 15738 15867 16488 15763 15805 16272 15444 16224 16889
2024 Sep. Rs. 16073 17335 17246 16872 16316 16293 16903 16331 15697 15616 15686 16463 16057 15960 15528 16160 16201 15661 15789 16407 15686 15727 16192 15369 16145 16806
2024 Oct. Rs. 15994 17250 17161 16789 16236 16213 16819 16251 15620 15539 15609 16382 15978 15882 15452 16081 16122 15584 15711 16327 15609 15650 16113 15293 16065 16723

   The Official Poverty line at National level for October, 2024 is Rs. 15,994

   Source : Department of Census & Statistics - Sri Lanka


  • Official Poverty Line was updated based on 2012/13 Household Income and Expenditure Survey.
  • District Official poverty lines have been re-estimated adjusting for price differences using the National Consumer Price Index (NCPI) (Base: 2021=100).
  • The Official poverty line decreased due to the lower National Consumer Price Index (NCPI) value reported in October 2024 compared to preceding month.
           Click here to the
Technical Note on estimates of
        District Poverty Line